
Begin with Food

Food is our fuel, and it fuels all biological processes. Food is our direct connection to the earth and deepens our understanding of this vital relationship. In our society we are encouraged to eat a diet that is well rounded with fruits & vegetables, grains, meat, milk and oil. Ayurveda looks much deeper into food and the process of digestion and determines the quality of a specific food to understand how it will process in your unique body.

Create a Kitchen

… that is supported by nature’s resources, in alignment with the four seasons, and designed to feed you and your family in a way that is sustainable, efficient, and inspiring for all of the senses. The qualities of food are based on how the specific food will heat or cool the body as well as the taste (or raja). The 5 rajas; sweet, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent will positively or adversely effect an individual’s health based on their constitution (dosha).

Ayurvedic Consultations

Are you feeling out of balance? Maybe it’s something particular like consistent headaches or heartburn, trouble sleeping, skin issues, anxiety, or any other discomfort. An initial 1.5 hour Ayurvedic consultation includes: a detailed account of your health history, current imbalances or health concerns, an assessment of your unique mind/body constitution and of your eating and lifestyle patterns. You will receive a personal plan with guidance for diet, daily routine and lifestyle, breath, exercise and more. When we eat for our constitution we create the most fuel efficient system which nourishes all of the tissues and reduces and prevents the build up of toxins in the body. This knowledge base is invaluable and will intelligently guide you through the changing of seasons and the chapters of life and aging.

$125 for a 1.5 hour Ayurvedic consultation
$65 for 45-minute follow-up session